

Competing Against the Big Boys

How to Thrive in a Consolidating Marketplace... How can you, an independent, survive and even grow during a time where it seems like the “big boys” are increasing their market share? If you’re an “independent” in the body shop world, you have some great opportunities right now, so I expect you to get on it and rock it out! The cover story of BodyShop Business [...]

By |2019-07-17T13:42:22-07:00March 20th, 2019|Auto Body Shop Tips, Business, Management|0 Comments

The Power of Marketing

Why You Need It and How to Do It... With more ways to get your message out there than ever before, it's time for your shop to harness the power of marketing! So many business owners and managers don't know where to begin with marketing their business. In the article I wrote for the Cover Story of BodyShop Business' November 2018 Issue "The Power of [...]

By |2019-07-15T20:03:58-07:00November 26th, 2018|Auto Body Shop Tips, Business, Management|0 Comments

Finding Good Employees

I've written articles for BodyShop Business but this is one article I wrote for them that applies not only for the auto body industry but for all industries. Finding good, quality employees that will stick around is extremely difficult! Then, many employers run into the frustration of millennials and how to deal with their expectations and work habits. I invite you to read "Finding [...]

By |2019-07-15T20:05:06-07:00October 29th, 2018|Auto Body Shop Tips, Business, Management|0 Comments

What Women Really Want…In Your Shop

My first article with BodyShop Business was one that was quite controversial. Read it for yourself and feel free to leave a comment whether you agreed or disagreed! A large percentage of auto body shop customers are female so it's important to make your shop "female friendly". "What Women Really Your Shop" was the Feature Story in BodyShop Business' September 2018 issue! I had [...]

By |2019-07-15T20:05:37-07:00September 20th, 2018|Auto Body Shop Tips, Business, Management, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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